
Enforce company wide policies for LLMs and bla bla Integrate with advanced third-party AI models like GPT-4, enhancing your systems with state-of-the-art AI capabilities. Ensuring your sensitive information remains on your laptop.


Monitor LLMs usage company wide

Monitor all requests made to 3rd party LLMs by your applications or by company employees.


Automatic, customizable protection

Enforce policies for users & applications using LLMs. Like anonymizing, blocking or masking requests. Automagically.


Cost & Usage

Track costs related to LLMs usage, manage multiple LLms apikeys, requests, and usage patterns.


Insanely easy integration within existing codebases. All you have to do is replace calls to third-party services/LLMs with your Filtro endpoint to proxy the requests. Use our certified secure endpoint, or host your own endpoint on-prem. If you want additional flexibility you can use Filtro primitives in TypeScript/JS, Python, Rust or Go.

from filtro import Filtro

client = Filtro(
  # defaults to os.environ.get("FILTRO_API_KEY")

masked, mapping = client.mask(
    "Hi my name is Giovanni, I work at Google. What's up?"
) # Hi my name is Maria, I work at Marvel. What's up?

from langchain.llms import OpenAI
llm = OpenAI(model_name="gpt-4")
response = llm(masked) # Hi Maria! Im fine. Yourself?

cleared = client.clear(response, mapping) # Hi Giovanni! Im fine. Yourself?

API Reference & SDKs Docs

You can find the full REST Api reference and Quick start guides in our documentation

Take a look at the docs


Chrome extension

Chrome Extension

Enforce company wide policies for LLMs and bla bla Integrate with advanced third-party AI models like GPT-4, enhancing your systems with state-of-the-art AI capabilities. Ensuring your sensitive information remains on your laptop.

Download from Chrome Store
Coming soon

Enterprise Shield

Enforce company wide policies for LLMs and bla bla Integrate with advanced third-party AI models like GPT-4, enhancing your systems with state-of-the-art AI capabilities. Ensuring your sensitive information remains on your laptop.

Read more
Chrome extension

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