Monitoring Platform

Monitor and analyze what data employees are sharing outside, at the company level.

Deploy internally
Filtro LLMs Auditing

Comprehensive Oversight of Data Shared Externally

In today's interconnected business environment, understanding and controlling the flow of data outside your organization is crucial. Filtro's MonitorPlatform is a sophisticated solution designed to monitor and analyze data shared by employees outside the company. This powerful platform provides businesses with the insights needed to maintain data security and compliance at the company level.

Key Features

  1. Real-Time Monitoring: Continuously track data being shared externally by employees, ensuring immediate awareness of potential security risks or compliance issues.

  2. Advanced Analytics: Utilize detailed analytics to understand patterns and trends in data sharing, enabling proactive management of data security.

  3. Customizable Alerts: Set up tailored alerts for specific types of data sharing activities, ensuring immediate notification of concerning behaviors.

  4. Comprehensive Reporting: Generate in-depth reports on external data sharing activities, aiding in compliance audits and strategic decision-making.

  5. User Behavior Insights: Gain insights into employee behavior regarding data sharing, helping to identify potential training needs or policy adjustments.

  6. Secure and Compliant: Adheres to the latest security standards and compliance regulations, ensuring your monitoring practices are both safe and legal.


Use Cases

Getting Started

  1. Schedule a Demo: See MonitorPlatform in action and understand how it can fit into your organization.
  2. Customized Implementation: Work with our team for a tailored setup that meets your specific monitoring needs.
  3. Training & Support: Receive comprehensive training for your team and ongoing support to maximize platform benefits.

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